Wednesday 12 January 2011

Now hear this!!! - Broken Dimanche Press

It’s a new year and a new season of literati delights on Now Hear This.

Tonight at 22h berlin time, 9pm london time live and direct

Paula Varjack opens up the studio doors to a series of publishers, magazines and literary collectives. How better to kick things off with a big bold bang, than with the brilliant Broken Dimanche Press?

Broken Dimanche Press is a rootless, free-floating publishing house based between Oslo, Berlin and Dublin. It is interested in facilitating challenging literary and political work with a strong focus on translation and connecting artists and writers to new audiences across Europe. As well as books, it publishes the occasional journal The Kakofonie.

Ann Cotten
has published numerous work including Fremdwörterbuchsonette (Suhrkamp) which won in the Reinhard-Priessnitz-Preis. She also published a book on concrete poetry Nach der Welt: Die Listen der Konkreten Poesie und ihre Folgen (Klever Verlag) in 2008. The same year saw her receive the George-Saiko-Reisestipendium and the Clemens Brentano Förderpreis für Literatur der Stadt Heidelberg. Her latest book came out in August from Suhrkamp and is called Florida-Räume. Also in 2010 Broken Dimanche Press published I, Coleoptile, her first full length book in English.

Kerstin Cmelka
is a visual artist and was born in 1974 in Mödling, Austria.
Most recently she has taken part in Gestures - Performance and Sound Art at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, Denmark (2010), Scorpio's Garden in the Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin (2010) and Playing Homage, Contamporary Art Gallery, Vancouver (2009). She colloborated with Ann Cotten on I, Coleoptile.

Visual artist Gabi Schaffner

(b.1965, Offenbach/Main) works as a traveling artist and storyteller whose main mediums are photography, text (written and spoken) and audio (field recordings).

And if all that wasn't exciting enough, we end the show with our marvelous musical guests

(drum roll please......)

Blue in the Face.
'Berlin's local avantgarde sonic stalwarts, blend elements borrowed from Hip-hop, Pop, Rock and Industrial to create a sophisticated, visceral sound that oscillates from Noise to Pop and ultimately leaves you slack-jawed in its sedative weirdness' -Styx

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