Thursday 13 January 2011

bengtsson by bengtsson

A week or so ago, I had a writing date with Martin and Victor Bengtsson. This meant that we met in a café' , only to ignore one another completely, and write. After a couple hours of this, I suggested a writing game, we would write about the moment we were in, what our impressions of one another were. This is what we came up with.. .


they occupy that corner of the café' as if it belongs to them. Heads down, hiding behind lit up apple icons, lost in whatever narrative they may be creating, making all the space around them theirs. I notice now they look similar. Definitely a kind of likeness. I think to myself.. They could be brothers, but then why not sit together? and if not, why even bother coming to the same place?

(he: victor)
he is all concentration. Painfully serious. Focused on, lost in the words that flow and stop and start. He is considering, he is certain. . He came here to get away from something. But being here just makes him think of it more. Its always that way when you leave a place.

(Him: martin)
typing typing typing. So loud his typing. Staccato, frenetic.
he types like he's playing a drum kit. He's found a new percussion. When I type like that, when my fingers are racing over keys, it is so they can catch up with the pace of my thoughts. He likes to shut himself off, not just a computer, but headphones. Block it all out, he wants to. His foot taps to a beat I cannot hear. And then I hear him laugh to himself. A grin spreads across his face, and more than anything. It makes me nervous

(I, we)
I feel like I’m trespassing. I feel like I have entered this world of them. We make up a new formation. Now we make a triangle, I wonder if somehow just by sitting here, these words we write independently of each other,
will somehow, connect.


I try to understand the people in the café.
What on earth they are thinking about?
Look! Two handsome boys just came in! What if I attempt a little challenge?
Ask they if the want to try to read my mind.?
”Read my mind boys. ”
OK, that´s a good start of the poem.

Read my mind boys. I might finish that one after…I…oh no…something is happening…
I see myself from an outside perspective. What a mind fuck? Hello! Can you hear me Paula? I´n the outside Paula screaming at you. I want contact. I want you to know that I'm without a body. A ghost. But wait, with this liquid light body I can move around.

I wonder what the two boys are doing, I´m gonna fly over and oversee there writing.
Swisssch. (sound of a weightless body moving.)

Wow. He´s writing META. That´s so sexy. META writing. Just taste the word. META.
He´s writing about a girl.
He´s good.
I mean his fingers are good. Move fast over the letters.
He´s dancing between F & I now.


Very ground breaking. Original.

It´s probably for his new theatre masterpiece.

Ok, enough, don´t get caught Paula, move on. There´s another boy, on the red couch.

He´s actually even better looking.

”Hello Stranger, I´m 2 centimetres from your face and you don´t see me.
How does it feel? Can you feel the magnet field between my ghost persona and the top of your forehead?
I wonder if it´s even possible to get in to the head. I´ll try.

Chrcuk. (sound of getting in to someone else’s head).

Wow what a strange place.
It´s like abandoned. Dancing echoes. Even shadows have left.
He must be troubled this young man. Weird...he looks so nice and friendly.

I´m gonna do it. I´m gonna write a poem about this strange place. About this young and empty man. It´s gonna start like.
”Read my mind girls”

It´s gonna be connected to ”Read my mind boys”
but have a different gender focus.

In the poem, the boy is going to fall in love with someone he sees on TV.
And he´s going to be able to send her thoughts while she´s reading the news
& all the news are going to become news only for him.
News about watermelons & signs.
Whispered sentences of knowledge.

VICTOR (as victor)

My thinking.
Weirdly, I think it´s very exciting sitting here with Paula and Marty.

It´s giving me issues about not being a good writer. I find my mind comparing and competing. It´s very interesting to feel the feeling of envy, deal with it. I thought I had just now,. Its as if this makes my writing better or worse sitting here with them. Just now I came to the understanding that it will make it better.
Since they have a nice energy,

and they make me feel safe and secure.

After I finish dealing with my envy and comparing myself to them, I realize that I look up to both of them for their work efforts. And maybe that is what I’m truly envious of, their way of working so hard. I am not a hard worker. Paula and Marty are hard workers. Compared to me, I’m more of a slacker.

This is good though, being close to them, because I feel like I can't fuck around that much. it makes me realize I have to work on my discipline. Stop imagining that I will work the way they do. I need to find my own process of working. Maybe that is slack? Or maybe it is actually this:
Being close to them,but not at the same table.
This works for me.

Okay , now that I´be dealt with my feelings towards them, I came to the understanding of love. The energy gets better when you are together with friends and family. It's helping me cross barricades in my conscious and unconscious.. Love ya guys! Funny that I’m so self-absorbed that I chose to write bout myself.
What does that say about me as a character?

That I care more about my own thoughts than of others?
Maybe so.

Are my thoughts that valuable then? I hope so. It makes me uncomfortable thinking of my thoughts as not valuable. I think as a lesson to my self , I need to build up more confidence, and make my thoughts very pricey. They deserve it Like the soldiers in Iraq after fighting a war,
they deserve a good holiday.

When will my thoughts go on a holiday?
And where would they go?
Caribbean? Africa?
Maybe New York. Or maybe that's a stressful place for thinking?
Caribbean sounds better. Yeah Dominican it is then.

I need to buy my thoughts a trip to the Dominican islands.
They can sit there and sip on a gin and tonic as a reward for good thinking.

Good thinking Vic. Love ya.

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