Wednesday 16 February 2011

What I wanted, what he wanted…

When I woke up all I wanted, was to do something for him. I woke up with one desire only; to do whatever he wanted. I would do whatever he asked of me. In this moment when I woke, he was all that mattered.

So I reach for the phone hiding under a dress discarded by the bed. He tells me when he answers, that he is also in bed. We talk a little about this and a little about that, and then I tell him about my desire, to do something for him. What did he want today?

He appreciated the sentiment, I think he understood, but then he told me,what he wanted today, was to be left to himself. I appreciated that, and understood. So I left him to himself, and was left feeling a little lost, a little confused, not about what he wanted, but what I had…

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