they have a date together...
not a date.
A meeting,
platonically, over drinks.
Him and him. They who have never spent any time together without me before, who may have only met a handful of times, in another city. Remember, you can not assign people to places, they move and connect, with or without you.
It was no surprise that they had met. It was only a matter of time until they did. He saw him pass by a café, and ran after him. Ran after him three blocks, ran after him to give him his card. In less than four minutes had said
yeah we broke up… and it was because of…and it would be really great to meet you
to… talk about it.
In less than four minutes… to someone he barely knew…
Neither of them are so big on drinking. They both do it more to be social. But I guess this event is social, in a way.
He will arrive first I think. He will want to make a good impression. He will be keen to get certain things off his chest, to explain. Maybe to get help, to understand.
And he, well he doesn’t have an agenda really. He just feels empathy. Thinks he can help, wants to. Don’t we all. Don’t I?
I have allowed for this to happen, I have been asked permission for it to occur, and when I say it has nothing to to with me, he says
Its obvious he’s still in love with you –
I’m unsure what to do with this information. It feels like a liability. If he never moves on, it will be my fault, somehow. The result of something I did. It aggravates me, that only the end has clarified it, has made it certain.
And so I wonder, what is the measure of someone moving on? How do you know when someone has resettled? And the puzzle is, is it best to wait for someone to have moved to that place, before you communicate? Or, do you need to communicate, to enable them, to move?
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