I am running over my lines, before being called to the stage. He comes over to me, and without introducing himself, or even uttering any form of greeting, looks me dead in the eyes and says
Nicht falsches sagen.
I looked perplexed. So this time he says
Nichts falsches auf der Buhne sagen.
And the thing is, Had he said this in english, I would have written him off. Had he said this in in english, i would have ignored him, maybe even told him to fuck off. Who says such a thing to a stranger before they perform? What right has he to...
But in german, in german the statement comes across as almost official, took on a profound relevance, made me stop and meditate. Stopped me from my line check and had me repeating as a mantra to myself
nichts falsches nicht falches nicht falsches
Do I, Do I speak.. Do I write.. truthfully? Is this real? Is this honest? Is this true? If words have power, do i feel power in the words I choose to say?
Before, being entertaining was paramount to me. Before all i wanted was to come across as a clever kind of post modern cabaret. It's addictive this feeling of entertaining. It's glorious the sensation of making people laugh. I've often said, causing hundreds of people in a venue to laugh, is easily like the best orgasm you've ever had (And I know comedians who may argue its even better than that).
Lately however, I'm less interested in doing that. I enjoy it, the art of amusing a crowd, but i want something else now, something more. I want to reveal something about myself, unravel new elements, i want to engage on a level that is personal, intimate. More than anything ,I have a desire to be truthful to be honest. So for this reason, the words from this random stranger become powerful, play on and on with a crisp insistance in my head.
nichts falsches nichts falsches nichts falches.
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