one my favourite quotes from the film Humoresque
“ A French philosopher once cited ten thousand ways to commit suicide, He missed one:
Falling in love with an artist”

Sometimes when I listen to myself, I am not sure if it is my head or my heart talking.
It’s crude to make this distinction I know, but it can shed light on the influences of your actions. And there is always a voice inside of me that says:
Do what you’re most afraid of! Be brave.!
But I am not brave. And I am afraid. and I am especially afraid of…
falling in love with an artist.
definitely avoid writers
a panicked version of my inner voice adds.
You would be crazy to fall for a writer.
Every outcome is fraught with emotional danger!!!
They will always love their work more than you!
And what if they are a terrible writer and constantly wanting feedback from you? Or what if they don’t like your work? Or like it so much they start to write like you?
What if they write about you? This is the worst certainly. Think of if and how it could all end between you, and then what would they say, what could they write? What if they write about everyone else they know except you?
(is this a good or bad thing, I’m not actually sure)
What if they are a better writer?
What if they become hugely successful, So much so that when you go to events, your work is invisible, you are no longer a writer, you are merely the partner of a writer, the best case maybe,to those who know both of you, you are the failed or lesser important writer, who just happens to be involved with a successful writer?
And even then if your career then takes off, others will say it was just because of you being the partner of...and then..
and then I think, this is not my head or my heart speaking,
and relaxed in this knowledge, I decide not to listen.
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