Waiting at the very short queue at passport control the man who looks at my passport has an accent that is really too posh for his occupation. Did something go wrong after Eton? As he gives me my passport back, the chinese man who sits at the desk next to him shouts out
The man serving me shudders, shakes his head while casting a pained look at me, leans over and says to him
No need to shout… it’s not as if we’re in Germany.
The chinese man looks embarrassed. I take my passport back
Waiting at the stand to buy my coach ticket to London, the twenty something Spanish girl who serves me is less interested in the transaction, more interested in how her hair and make up appear in her reflection. She’s cute so I forgive her for this.
I leave with my ticket to buy a sandwich and a coffee at pret and over the tanoy someone says
Carlo Fanni please come to the information desk. Carlo fanni.
I catch the eyes of two burly security guards in flouro jackets . Their faces are lit up like gleeful school boys. I also can’t help from smirking.
Carlo fanni.
I hear a girl say to her friend
He must have really enjoyed making that call. Carlo fanny..
her friend can’t stop laughing.
When I get to the coach stop,, I’m accidentally (I hope ) pushed aside by a group of Italian girls who seem lost. They ask the guy at the bus something in italian, and as I am thinking, Italians think they can speak Italian everywhere well..The boy replys, in Italian. Actually, he is Italian. The girls don’t’ seem to appreciate their luck.
He tells me I can’t take my coffee on the bus but I have nine minutes. I step aside and ask the bus driver if I can take my suitcase on the bus. He says no (in an accent I think is polish) but offers to put it into the boot for me now while I smoke.
When I finally get in I attempt to hide in the back but am soon surrounded by a class of dutch students. I look out the window. Its warmer here, but also greyer and wetter. Why didn’t I pack an umbrella? I should know better. It’s nice to be home.
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