uh oh, i think summer kicked in late...i'm liking minimal again. on friday night at watergate, a club i swore i'd never go back to, on a night i swore i wouldn't go out. I'm taking chemical cocktails that keep me up until the sun forces sunglasses on and everyone around me is losing it
the dj hands me a jug of jager and the promoter is cutting up lines with eyes with that glint that suggest he's ready to seduce the young boy cub kids who may not be that straight after
they knock, back the vial of the thing that some party with and others use as a date rape drug. but they're taking advantage of him too. and they are a colourful crew. eighteen to twenty six.
one called himself a g-sexual. i can hear accents cut through beats. the tourists from london keep coming but that was friday, and now its tuesday, i was going to stay in but thought i'd check out a jam session until i ran into a friend who was having drinks in the back of that all night place called baghdad where we enter worlds smallest smoking room
unless you count the one they"re building at luzhia
but anyways, i'm doing my best to focus. comprehending as much as i can of this group conversation in german, when this drunk skater boy with an open shirt
something retro calafornian about him or a seventies porn star maybe its the mustache ?
but its not him i'm intrigued by, he's got this super hot tiny asian chick wiht him
wearing the greenest shortest dress ever which she lifts up to reveal even shorter cut off shorts
and then around the table i hear thatit was birthday barbecue earlier in gorlitzer park
only for some reason someone broke out pepper spray
i can't process this. so i question are we going to the jam session?
the blonde drunk skater who is wearing a flashing light necklace that says
*no really i'm not making this up*
takes us tall to his flat aroudn the corner, by now there are like fifteen of us and as we walk out i see this irish boy i met at bar 25 or kept meeting at bar 25 every time i went there
my running joke being he never ever left
now i say to him
congratulations, they closed, you got out
and he says he's so glad its over, and i can tell he wants to find out where we're going. it looks like a party in the making, but i don't really know him so i don't invite him and feel like he must have the impression i'm part of this big crew, when actually i only know like three people with me, and we this new born tuesday party massive walk and tease our friend who runs an illegal bar that we love. about creating this choas by daring to closeon our favourite night to go
we get to skater boys' flat, its on the fourth floor because isn't it always
the flatmate is friendly but maybe not excited to have us all stumble in but its early and
we're not that drunk and anyway there are already like twenty people there. but the vibe is more after dinner party and our vibe is more.. party and then the drunk boy, he puts on music
some luxus hi-fi set up, then he puts on that track sunshine
which has been a bit of a minimal anthem all summer and cranks up the volume
and people are already ashing on the floor. and i listen to the beat and the repeating vocal
and think about how here, here in berlin, tracks that talk about being awake until morning
tracks about daylight coming are always goign to be anthems
they make you celebrate your party endurance, your commitment
the smiles you share with those you've never exchanged names or hello;s with. but kept running into thursday, friday, sunday, weekend after weekend, dancefloor to dancefloor
this the city where partying past sunrise isnt' hardcore,
its just normal
but the party we're at now is not really a party the music is turned down
and then we leave walk down the stairs en masse. and the guy who invited us come along. we get stuck on the corner by that place baghdad again. and i'm kind of wishing i'd left with that irish boy instead. he had said he was going ot an open air bar my friend works at. but now i'm just on a corner with people i mostly don't know, getting quickly irritated by group dynamics where everyone is always responsible for at least one person. so when you try to leave someone says,
i just need to get
who just needs to get
who just needs to get
who just needs to get
until you're a group again
we go to the jam but its too early so there's a terrible band. self absorbed musicans wiht no soul
and an audience of onlookers who look too polite to walk out and seem scared of the stage. all standing as far back as possible
are now only four
we lost the others on the way. we stay a little . i have a good chat with one of my friends. then we all leave. but i don'tl go home because i run into another friend, who i pluck from the sidewalk bar he's at, and wander somewhat aimlessly trying to agree on the best bar to have nightcap in but everywhere['s too empty, too boring, too\
we end up in a bar that was once a kind of divey kneipe. but is now frequented by hipsters
and we talk abotu love and sex and relationships and closure, and i drink my double whiskey far too quickly. so we walk out , go through pitch dark gorlitzer park, that i was warned to never cross at night, when i first moved here/ and when we get to the street, where he must go one way
and i must go another, my love advice has degraded to that of a frat boy.
i cycle off saying only .
ultimately we're all rubbish (meaning women)
but then you all are too (meaning men)
and with those sage words i ride home, feeling civilised because at least its not
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