what a weird day. i'm a promoter without a phone which is both challenging and oddly cathartic. i've had all kinds of strange pre antislam errands to run, like aquiring a megaphone, buying wierd prizes from McPaper. *i'm not saying anything other than there may be a kitten theme involved* and as i stopped into kaisers on my way home to celebrate getting everything but my nails *did*... i noticed this rather striking punk rocker boy in the bio section, looking at whole grain pasta or something, and then my eyes trail down his black t-shirt and faded jeans, only to notice his... bare feet? which looked suprisingly clean for someone walking around a grocery store and the streets without shoes on. did i miss the memo on it being really punk to walk bare foot?
i walk away from punk jesus and see this b-boy perusing various kinds of sparkling water. looking really serious, putting one down and reading the label of another, maybe kreuzberg is gentrifying in a whole new way, where punk rockers walk around bare foot in the bio section, and b-boys are really careful about which bottled water they buy.. hmmm. did i mention i bought a megaphone? i spray painted it gold, because well, i still have a can of gold and a c
an of pink paint from when i painted the bikes. i may paint the inside pink, i'm not sure yet.
anywayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i'm rambling. i'm thinking about going over to ping pong bar to promote a little, but damn these emails keep coming with more names for the fanlist. so darlilngs, if you want a hope of seeing any of the action tomorrow, defo come at 8pm. i don't want to jinx it but it is lookiong rather like we'll pack out. and who are you packing out to see? what is the definitely final final final line up? well i'm about to tell you dolls...

tomorrow nig
ht at PingPong Bar
Glogauer str 21, Kreuzberg Berlin 10999
doors 20.30, show 21h
the anti-slam jury
Tom Mars
Sarah Brockhausen
Jacinta Nandi
Michael Haeflinger
Sacrficial Poet
Carlos X
The Anti-Slammers auf Deutsche
Tilmann Birr
Wolfgang Hogekamp
Sergio Gerau
Benjamin During
Till Reiners
possible surprise guest...
The Anti-slammers auf Englische (don't call them *expats*)
Dara O'neill
Mirabelle Jones
Lady GAby
and as ever... moderating over the messy proceedings..
i walk away from punk jesus and see this b-boy perusing various kinds of sparkling water. looking really serious, putting one down and reading the label of another, maybe kreuzberg is gentrifying in a whole new way, where punk rockers walk around bare foot in the bio section, and b-boys are really careful about which bottled water they buy.. hmmm. did i mention i bought a megaphone? i spray painted it gold, because well, i still have a can of gold and a c

anywayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i'm rambling. i'm thinking about going over to ping pong bar to promote a little, but damn these emails keep coming with more names for the fanlist. so darlilngs, if you want a hope of seeing any of the action tomorrow, defo come at 8pm. i don't want to jinx it but it is lookiong rather like we'll pack out. and who are you packing out to see? what is the definitely final final final line up? well i'm about to tell you dolls...

tomorrow nig

Glogauer str 21, Kreuzberg Berlin 10999
doors 20.30, show 21h
the anti-slam jury
Tom Mars
Sarah Brockhausen
Jacinta Nandi
Michael Haeflinger
Sacrficial Poet
Carlos X
The Anti-Slammers auf Deutsche
Tilmann Birr
Wolfgang Hogekamp
Sergio Gerau
Benjamin During
Till Reiners
possible surprise guest...
The Anti-slammers auf Englische (don't call them *expats*)
Dara O'neill
Mirabelle Jones

Lady GAby
and as ever... moderating over the messy proceedings..
Paula Varjack
p.s why pay a fiver on the door when you can be on the three euro fan list? you have until five thirty pm tomorrow to email any and all the names you like to antislam@live.com
p.s why pay a fiver on the door when you can be on the three euro fan list? you have until five thirty pm tomorrow to email any and all the names you like to antislam@live.com