I didn’t take you seriously
You barely registered on my radar
I just thought
No, actually I didn’t
think anything about you
But then the contract was set
With this one glance
I hadn’t been eyed up in
That way in some time
that curious intrigued way
that squaring up and
challenging way
that you’d decided
for both of us way
that makes my whole
body start responding
Like some kind of reflex
Like a series of
buttons were pressed
Like I’ve been
biologically programmed
Like I’m responding to
Unspoken commands
when the signals are set
I submit
without even realising
Our eyes were having
A very different conversation
From the one our
mouths were
You read my book
Without revealing one chapter
You played dumb
Just To make me feel clever
And I thought I was coy
But my bluff was blown
When you stopped playing
Didn’t’ wait to see my hand
Just Pinned me with it
Against that wall
In one smooth maneouvre
My dress raising over my legs
I stopped thinking altogether
Maybe I’m a follower
Who only pretends to be a leader
All mouth until told to
Shut up and listen
I was in a position
I didn’t know how to get out of
And didn’t really want to
The last time
I was in a situation like this
the contract was set
with one glance
but I didn’t know then that
the terms were four years
and sometimes I think
I probably should have
The fine print
but this time is totally different
the toilet cubicle
is replaced by a dressing room
the town of brighton
is played by berlin
the bartender from brazil
is now a musician from london
and as for terms and conditions
once again they were not being
set by me
I said
How are you so sure
That you’re stronger
And you laughed and said
Because I am
And I didn’t consider
Any of the others who could walk in
Completely forgot about
Someone I’d been Flirting with
Only ten minutes before
And there I was
a butterfly preserved
Not knowing
how I’d been categorised
In my caption and
Just as suddenly as we
Without any explanation You
let go of me
And you were
walking off
I said
Am I ever gonna see you again?
And you..
you just Laughed…
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