so i locked myself out of the flat yesterday.
its here that i feel i must note i have never ever ever locked myself out of any place i have ever lived in, so perhaps it was my turn or era or something. i was kind of in a rush to get out, not really quite awake yet, and i vividly remember looking at my keys hanging off a ribbon on the door, and cheerfully thinking
*ah yes my keys are there *
before walking out and pulling the door shut, thinking
*um wait, keys should be.... F**K*
the good news is there is a friend with spare keys who lives close by. but as his phone is switched off i've had a summery day and a half of homelessness. so last night i ended up in a spontaneous sleepover at a friend's house. i very rarely stay over at people's houses in berlin. even when i'm on the other side of town i generally prefer to make it back to mine to sleep. so there is some element of childlike wonder in staying over at someone's house.
said friend has no alcohol to drink in the house. which means last night was a bit like one of our nights out together, without the drinking (which is to say not like one of our nights out, at all) . so for once i can remember all the details about the evening (a lot of talking about our work, some viewing/listening of each other's work, going to bed and reading). . being in his flat (he lives alone) and around his stuff last night in this morning has been kind of fascinating. there are lllllot of random objects. i keep finding more , a bright orange watergun, a lime green afro wig, some sunglasses marked *real 3d* (think about it for a second)
and i've discovered all kinds of other interesting details that i was never aware of. like his hip hop period, his new yorker magazine collection, or that he used to run track (and as soon as he woke up he left to go for a run). all of which i have only been made aware of by staying here....
sorry just got distractedby a package of oil paints on the other side of this desk.
and i wonder what happens in the secret, at home lives of the rest of my friends. maybe i should take this episode of homelessness to tuck into the worlds of the rest of them. who knows what new sides of them i will find?
or maybe i'll just keep going by that friend with the spare key until he's at home or answers the door...